3,994 research outputs found

    Impact of the Information and Communication Technologies on the Education of Students with Down Syndrome: a Bibliometric Study (2008- 2018)

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    This article analyzes the impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on students with Down syndrome through the consult of scientific articles published during the 2008 to 2018 period, in five scientific journal databases utilized in the academic world. Through a descriptive and quantitative methodology, the most significant bibliometric data according to citation index is shown. Likewise, a methodology based on the analysis of co-words and clustering techniques is applied through a bibliometric maps, in order to determine the fields of scientific study. The results show that articles published have a medium-low index of impact. There are linked with the importance of using ICT with these students, from educational inclusion and accessibility perspective

    El patrimonio cultural y la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa: Una experiencia educativa en entornos no-formales de aprendizaje

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    En este artículo esbozamos el proyecto Learning Outside the Classroom que aúna cultura y lengua, dos de los pilares fundamentales en los que se asienta la educación. Siguiendo las teorías de Vygotski, el proyecto presenta un perfil claramente constructivista y conjuga la enseñanza de la cultura, a través del patrimonio cultural y la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa como lengua extranjera. En este artículo relacionamos la educación patrimonial y sus objetivos con el proyecto mencionado y destacamos los paralelismos que entre ellos hemos encontrado. El proyecto combina el uso de los espacios formales de los centros educativos y otros espacios no-formales en los que se puede producir aprendizaje. Dentro de los espacios no-formales utilizados destacan los espacios urbanos: museos, galerías de arte, parques o la propia calle, sin olvidar las posibilidades que tendrían los espacios naturales en los que cualquier ecosistema podría servir como entorno de aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa: playa, montaña, bosque, río, etc. En todos estos emplazamientos, el patrimonio cultural juega un doble papel y puede actuar como recurso o como contexto en el proceso de aprendizaje. El proyecto se ha desarrollado en Oviedo desde el curso 2011-2012, primero en la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación de la Universidad de Oviedo, y casi inmediatamente en dos centros educativos de la ciudad. En 2016, se presentó el proyecto final, validado por expertos en la materia.In this article we outline the project Learning Outside the Classroom that combines culture and language, two of the most important pillars on education. Following Vygotski´ s theories, our project presents a clear constructivist line linking the teaching of culture, through the use of cultural heritage, with the teaching of the English language as an additional language. In this article we relate the heritage education and its objectives to the project mentioned above and highlight the similarities found between them. The project combines the use of formal school spaces with some non-formal spaces in which learning can be produced. Among the non-formal spaces, we have focused on urban spaces such as: museums, art galleries, parks and city streets. We should not forget the possibilities that natural spaces in the rural areas have since any ecosystem can be used as a learning environment: beaches, mountains, forests, rivers, etc. In any case, the heritage plays a double role in the learning process, either as a resource or as a context. The project has been developing in Oviedo since the school year 2011-2012 when it started at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the University of Oviedo and almost at the same time, in two schools. In 2016, the final project was validated by experts on the matter

    The Pedagogical Missions: An Innovative, Educational and Social Intervention During the Second Spanish Republic (1931–1936)

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    In this paper, we will talk about the origin and characteristics of the Pedagogical Missions during the Second Spanish Republic which was founded to help rural teachers with their training and to take progress to the remote areas of the Spanish country. We will appreciate how intellectuals and teachers voluntarily participated in these Missions with a philanthropic and political aim. Then, following Morales Gutierrez’s principles on social innovation, we will state that the Pedagogical Missions were an educational and social innovation in Spain before the Civil War (1936–1939). Finally, we will make a comparison between the different social intervention models in history – Charity, Beneficence, Social Justice, and Social Inclusion – and the Pedagogical Missions social intervention model which shared similar characteristics with all of them.social intervention model

    Professional profile of graduates with a degree in physical activity and sports science in Spain

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    The new job opportunities that resulted from the growth of the sports industry, due to the impact of sports on society and the increase of sports practice, along with the concern about the influence of such practice on health, have led experts in this field to demand the professionalization of the sector. Thereby, a regulatory development is being carried out, which, although at the regional level, recognises the professions of sports, determining the official academic titles or professional qualifications required for the professional practice and assigning to each profession its corresponding functional scope. Despite the fact that the affiliation rate of the Professional Association of Graduates in Physical Activity and Sports Science does not exceed 15% of the university graduates in Spain, such rate has increased in the last years. As an example, in Andalusia, the number of members has doubled in the last four years. This increase in affiliation may be a reflection of the professionalization process that the sports sector has been experiencing. The aim of this study was to determine the professional profile of graduates with a university degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science. As the main results, there continues to be a higher percentage of men who opt to take these courses, most of them have complementary training/education and there is a high percentage of multiple employment, that is, they combine more than one job, although teaching is still the most popular profession of choice. However, the percentage of graduates who choose teaching as a career is decreasing, which could be due to the diversification of the sector and of the sports professions

    The Gardens of the Alhambra and the Search for Spanish Modernism, 1953–75.

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    Feedback actions on linear parameter-varying systems

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    pág. 69-71mLinear parameter-varying systems are studied by means of geometrical translation of some recent results of algebraic nature dealing with the feedback actions on linear control systems.S

    La relectura del cuarto canto del Siervo en el judaísmo del Segundo Templo y en el NT

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    The reading of the Servant’s fourth Song in the Second Temple’s Judaism and in the NT has been a widely studied and debated issue. For this reason, based on the current status quaestionis, the essay is limited to offering two clues that contribute to place the paradigm of the Isaiah’s Servant as a first line Christological typology. In a first section, we face the difficult question of the relation to the Messiah with the Suffering Servant. In a second moment, starting for the intimate conection between the fourth Song and the other Servant’s poems, we’ll glimpe an analogous Isaian structure in the Gospels. This progression allows to draw a Christology of the Servant not limited to the suffering aspect.La relectura del cuarto canto del Siervo en el judaísmo del Segundo Templo y en el NT ha sido una cuestión ampliamente estudiada y debatida. Por este motivo, partiendo del status quaestionis actual, el ensayo se circunscribe a ofrecer dos pistas que contribuyan a resituar el paradigma del Siervo isaiano como tipología cristológica de primera línea. Para ello en un primer apartado se afronta la espinosa cuestión que pone en relación al Mesías con el Siervo sufriente. En un segundo punto, teniendo en cuenta la íntima conexión entre el cuarto canto y el resto de poemas del Siervo, se insta a vislumbrar en los Evangelios una estructura análoga a la deuteroisaiana. Progresión que permite ahondar en una cristología del Siervo no limitada al aspecto sufriente

    Relaciones Internacionales a través del Proyecto Europeo Comenius en Educación Primaria

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    El objetivo del presente Trabajo Fin de Grado se centra en la presentación del Proyecto “Comenius”, uno de los programas financiados por la Unión Europea para favorecer el aprendizaje de lenguas, y su puesta en marcha en un colegio público de Valladolid. El Programa Comenius promueve la movilidad y proporciona apoyo a los centros educativos de los diferentes países de la Unión Europea orientado a Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria. Sus acciones, y en mi opinión su gran valor, se centran en la creación de conocimiento, en la comprensión de la cultura y lenguas Europeas y su valor en las escuelas de toda Europa. En el presente trabajo he llevado a cabo una investigación basada en el análisis de los documentos existentes sobre la temática del proyecto. El marco teórico está estructurado en diferentes puntos: el primero aborda los resultados que se han obtenido a través de la política lingüística Europea, en el segundo se presenta el programa Comenius como programa de cooperación educativa, en el tercero se especifican los pasos a seguir a la hora de formar parte del proyecto Comenius y por último finalizo este trabajo con una propuesta de intervención, donde desarrollo una serie de actividades para una asociación multilateral Comenius en la que participa un colegio de Valladolid. Concluyo con reflexiones sobre mi participación en este programa y las posibilidades que Comenius ofrece.Grado en Educación Primari

    The integration of research and practice in sport psychology

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    From the consolidation of the psychology of sport as an independent scientific discipline at an international level, a great advance was developed that also favored the consolidation of the applied field and the intervention, into two distinct political-geographic areas: the Eastern countris and the Western block. In both the performances began with the elite sport, and the figure of the psychologist as a member of the sports teams. In 1979 the publication of Rainer Martens' article On Jackets and Jocks (Martens, 1979) mobilized the reflection of both researchers and applied psychologists. From its publication to the present day, this text became a reference text, especially when it came to direct interventions with athletes, and led to a reflection on the methodological difference between research and direct intervention. However, previously, in 1987, Martens himself had recommended and warned of the need to establish links between both spheres, academic and applied, to strengthen and give consistency to the psychology of sport (Garcia-Ucha and Martinez, 2014).A partir de la consolidación de la Psicología del Deporte como disciplina científica independiente a nivel internacional, se desarrolló un gran avance que favoreció también la consolidación del ámbito aplicado y de intervención, con dos áreas político-geográficas diferenciadas: los países del Este y el bloque occidental. En ambos se iniciaron actuaciones directas con el deporte de élite, y la figura del psicólogo como miembro del staff en los equipos deportivos fue estabilizándose. En 1979 la publicación del artículo de Rainer Martens, About smocks and jocks (Martens, 1979), movilizó la reflexión tanto de investigadores como de psicólogos aplicados. Desde su publicación hasta la actualidad, este texto se convirtió en un texto de referencia, especialmente a la hora de plantear intervenciones directas con deportistas, y propició que se estableciera una reflexión sobre la diferencia metodológica que debía darse entre investigación e intervención directa. Sin embargo ya anteriormente, en 1987, el propio Martens había recomendado y alertado de la necesidad de establecer nexos entre ambos ámbitos, académico y aplicado, para fortalecer y otorgar consistencia a la psicología del deporte (García-Ucha, y Martínez, 2014)